Thursday, August 8, 2013

"So, what have you been up to lately?"

A simple enough question. But sometimes when asked, I find it hard to remember just what have I been doing with my time.

At the end of each day I feel happy, tired and content from time generally well used, but there's no longer one easy answer like in other phases of life "Oh, going to school." or " Oh, you know,  working" etc. Nice, round, clear answers that make you feel like you are indeed fulfilling a purpose, and require no further explanation.

No one really wants you to go through and list for them the more complicated answer, so most the time, I'm not really sure what to say.

For myself and any future posterity who read this, here's what I've been up to this week at least, if you you were wondering.

  • August 4th, Anna turned two. But I was at youth conference all day with the Chinese and Thai/Laotian youth, as I had been all weekend, and Eric was still taking 22 Chinese teachers around SLC in preparation for their upcoming school year.  Luckily, she didn't mind at all, and loved spending the day with gwanma and gwanpa.
  • August 5th was Peter's due date. Tears were close, but preparations for Anna's party in my parents back yard helped to keep my mind occupied and focused on the simple and beautiful things that fill my heart with gratitude.
  • We took Adar and Safio to the aquarium with us for Anna's first visit. We've been trying to visit her more frequently lately as her summer is lonely and long with no school for her and Safio, and all her Somalese friends moving away. Tried (unsuccessfully) to help her find some American food she likes.
  • Tutoring Abel in his family's appartment. They are refugees from Eritrea who have been here almost a year. I'm working with him on reading and spelling. We're reading Peter Pan and the BFG.
  • Visiting/tending Grandma Bagley, who continues to decline in her ability to remember and make sense of what is going on. But absolutely loves to watch Anna, and can not stop talking (literally) about how lively, smart, darling she is the whole time we're there. It feels wonderful to be able to do something to make her feel genuinely happy.
  • Teaching violin. Summer lessons are scattered throughout the days, and generally begin with "It was a really busy week this week/we were out of town this week, so I didn't really practice..." But I love each of my students and their different personalities. I so enjoy this part of my day.
  • Went to the zoo yesterday with Natalie (friend since kindergarten, who deserves more than just this little parenthesis explanation) and her two kids, all visiting from back east. Anna has not stopped talking about it.
  • Playing, reading, running, park visiting, and laughing with Anna.
  • Looking forward each day to hearing jingling keys and an open door with Eric walking through it.
  • A few really great runs
And here's a really great bum

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