Monday, September 17, 2012


My darling dear Grandma Chipman passed away this summer, and it has been  incredibly strange and sort of wonderful sorting through all that she left behind, physical and not. What a force of a life. Along with some vintage sunglasses, a pearl hair clip and some really awesome sweaters, I was given a box of old sheet music, which I have been having a great time sorting through. The change happened in just 50 or so years--charming and shocking to be reminded of.

This is from a little magazine collection of popular songs.  Quite a different sort of dancing than goes on these days. And amazing people studied out new dances and knew so many.

 A little sad to see the impossible ideal for women hasn't really changed. Right there in a tiny column of adds (most of which, fittingly,  actually had to do with singing) I found this little piece. Women with "full, oversize bust", there's something wrong with you! Then flip the page and...

 Women with "flat, undersized form?" There's something wrong with you too! Thank goodness there's a cream to fix all these horrible people that will be so much happier when they are different.

Then I just really liked these covers and song titles. Thought I'd share.

 One of my favorites.

And then here's a few little low photographic quality but high Chipman love quality shots.
I call this big legs little heads

Her favorite room, hands down.

Friday night hike

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